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Up/Down Arrows Next to Grades

Arrows may appear next to grades for an academic term, class, or category. If an arrow appears, it means, in the most basic terms, that your grade is either going up or going down.

More specifically, these arrows indicate the trend of your grade over the course of the class or academic term. This is an important distinction since receiving one or two new grades may not necessarily switch the direction of the arrow.

For example, let's say you're halfway through your semester and, unfortunately, you receive a 73% on your midterm. You're worried this might adversely affect your overall grade, which had previously been excellent, but after recording the grade, you notice the green arrow still pointing up next to the grade for this class. What this indicates is that, taking all grades for this class into account (and their weights toward the overall grade, if applicable), your grade is still trending up, even though you received a worse-than-usual grade on your midterm.

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